Friday, November 6, 2009

Shoe and Roses for P

Hehey it's November! 1 year ago this happened. This year... a little disaster happened too. :P

So it's my sis P birthday. She like shoes - she like the color red. And this is what the cake looks like.

Yeaaa.... I'm not happy with it either. I've been sick the past couple of days and I think it shows on the cake :( It's messy and not smooth and.. ugh... frustrating...:(... well the birthday girl like it, so I feel a little better :P Here's the back view of the shoe: it's based on Louboutin shoe, hence the red heel.

Anyways, I also made some cupcakes for the occasion. 21 in fact, since she's 21 years old :)

Red Velvet cupcakes with buttercream icing, sprinkled with red sugar :) Here's a close up :)

Happy Birthday sis! *and sorry bout the cake... ahaha*


  1. Heh, I thought when you said no when I asked you whether you'll make the red shoes cake??

  2. You asked if I'll make a red shoe shaped cake... hahaha... I said no to that :P I'll make a cake with a red shoe :D *Tricky tricky..... :D

  3. ....okay. I guess, there's not much too eat anyway if you make a shoe-shaped cake, haha

  4. cake looks good.... roses tastes awesomeeeee

  5. rrr... itu spatu beneran? Abies masa dibuang abis cake nya dipotong?? T_T

  6. Well setelah brapa hari sih spatu / gulanya keras, jd buat dimakan jg kurang enak :D Hwehhee... jadi pajangan ajah sampe tar disemutin XD... :D
