Saturday, September 26, 2009

C's Beary Birthday!

Wow, can't believe it's been a year since this.

Anyways, I've been racking my brains for weeks trying to come up with ideas on what to make. *She has 1 request: Make it cute!*... Okay... :P Then, about a week or two before her birthday, she found out she's pregnant :D (Yes, I'm going to be an aunt! Yippeee!) So right away I knew what to make for her.

See I had this bear pan for a while now. Never found the right time to make a cake for it, and this seems like the perfect moment - celebrating her birthday and the upcoming baby :D

Well, during the making, the cake... has lots of drama involved O_O... I actually wanted to have the cake finished the day before the birthday, but the pan leaks and only the upper half of the bear made it into its finished form *the cake is baked upside down*... grrr... So on the day of the birthday, I actually was in the kitchen for almost 10 hrs straight trying to get everything done.

Here's a look at the back of the cake, cooling *yes, 2nd try is the charm!... yayy* Oh, needless to say the kitchen is a BIG MESS :P (After the celebration, I spent like 2 hrs washing dishes.. haha)

Annnd here's the cake cooling, before any icing is made. It's actually cute enough plain. I almost didn't decorate it... haha....

But of course I did... ;) With chocolate buttercream. Very cuteee right? Very furry too, haha...

Oh btw I made the cake 65 miles away from the party place, about 1 hr + drive. (Yes, I was late ;) My lovely bf was nice enough to drive carefully while I'm in the passenger seat holding the cake, hanging on for dear life. And everytime there's a bump I gasped - my heart stopped for a second, and I quickly examined the cake. There were some furs shed during transport, but no major damage done :D (I even brought extra icing just in case there was damage :) - and my friends ended up trying to decorate pieces of the cake... fun :D

I was happy to report that yes the cake indeed was sliced and eaten. Many protests though, the guests almost didnt want to cut the cake... well they better, after hrs of making it :P
This is how we cut the cake, left foot first! Hahaha...

I also made the pbb for the event. I was pleasantly surprised that my friends like it very much :D (In fact, they like it better than the cake... haha) *Definitely a keeper.

Overall I was very happy with the cake. My hands are still sore piping all those furs even after a week. *I guess I need practice, hahahaha* Extremely exhausted, but worth it ;)



  1. lucu juga pas lom dikasi bulu bulu
    tapi lucuan berbulu

  2. Plus the fur add yummyness rite... makes it chocolateyy :D

  3. ga berbulu lebih lucu!!!!!

  4. Innocent2 tp tawar gak enak donks :P

  5. WAHHHHHHHH lucunyaaaaaaaa
    Lucuan gak berbulu ah.. itu bukannya panda ya Teph? liat matanya.. laen kali bikin yang item putih!! :D

  6. Waduh udah 2 vote gak pake bulu lebi lucu... we need 1 more to decide! :D Iya bisa jadi panda jg Mon... tp untuk jd panda ya harus pake icing jg donk, gak bisa polos ;) hwehehe... Ya nanti deh kapan2 buat yg item putihhh :D
