Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Memorial Service Cupcake

Back in February, a friend of mine passed away. To celebrate his life and to comfort each other during his sudden passing, we in the Nor-Cal decided to meet up for a memorial service.

To honor his love of food, each of us brought a dish to share. Here's mine: Mini yellow cupcake with white buttercream flowers. I made more of the small flowers *less icing* pictured here:

And some white roses with hershey's kiss hidden inside. *More icing* And this is the tray I brought to the service.

It was a great memorial service. We cried *a lot*, we laughed, we reminisced, and we shared food with one another, remembering our dear friend taken too soon from our lives.


  1. I love the idea of the hidden hersey's kisses... nice way to "spread the love" around ;)
    btw, if u don't mind me asking... was it a traffic accident that caused the death?

  2. Hey Lyd :D Nah my friend was sick, something with his weak defense system. The news was a shock for us coz he's always so full of life. He's not suffering anymore though :)
